Tuesday, July 16, 2013

...to be continued.

Sorry about the wait from the last episode, got busy with a few things that have I thought I should sum up as follows:
> Preparing for Ramadan Kareem
> Being too lazy to blog while fasting
> Being a couch potato, preparing for RHCE - precisely a linux engineer.

Moreover, I went to another technician the other day, he promised he'd be able to help. The next day he called me up to ask me to pick up the notebook. I was surprised mean while I thought he might not have been able to fix the issue. Rushing to the store and stepping into find the notebook good as new, fixed for PKR2500. Not a bad fix after all, right? Seems that Integrated circuit placed over the display adapter had broken down, replacement probably didn't cost a fortune, but Oh well! saved me a fortune at least :)

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